Caring Nurses, Inc.
2968 E. Russell Rd.
Las Vegas, NV 89120

(702) 791-3729
Wound Assessment
DATE OF BIRTH: 07/29/1940
TIME IN: 11:00 AM TIME OUT: 11:15 AM

Pressure Ulcer Stage 3 Coccyx
status: Open
Negative Pressure Wound Therapy
Wound Care:
SN washed hands and donned clean gloves. Removed old dressing and assessed the wound.
Wound #1 a Stage 3 pressure injury over coccyx that is open measuring 0.4 cm x 0.2 cm x 1.5 cm. Tunneling/undermining present from 10 to 1 o'clock with a distance of 1.5 cm. Tissue base is dull pink (60%) and beefy red remaining. There is no odor to the wound. Wound edges are well defined, not attached, and slightly macerated. Previous SNAP canister has exudate present in tubing, with 25 mL amount present inside the cotton material in the canister. Patient reports no problems with maintaining adequate suction of 125 mmHg on his SNAP canister.
SN doffed gloves, performed hand hygiene and donned new clean gloves. Using aseptic technique, SN cleansed area surrounding the wound with wound cleanser and 4x4 sterile gauze. Wound base was cleansed and irrigated with wound cleanser and a sterile cotton swab applicator. SN then cut a custom fitting piece of blue foam to pack the wound (a piece shaped like a "T"), SN then packed the wound using a sterile q-tip applicator. SN then cut a small piece of Hydrocolloid and rolled in into a small strip in hands to warm it up, then applied the SecureRing Hydrocolloid around the periwound tissue (approx. 1 cm away from wound edges). SN then cut the hydrocolloid dressing down to size and placed it over the wound, with the SNAP tubing entry hole placed directly over the center of wound (and protruding blue foam packing piece). Tubing was attached to SNAP canister and SN depressed the key all the way down in order to create an adequate seal and suction. SN then cut a hole in the middle of a large Sacral Mepilex border and thread the tubing through it and then secured the Mepilex over the dressings to provide a cushion for the patient when his sitting directly on the new dressing.
Patient verbalized pain 5/10 during wound packing. SNAP canister remained depressed at prescribed 125 mmHg. Patient was instructed on how to care for his new dressing and when to notify SN of complications/leaks/or if he cannot maintain the prescribed 125 mmHg as ordered.

SNAP disposable NPWT, Hydrocolloid SecureRing
0.5 cm.
0.3 cm.
1.5 cm.
0.15 sqcm.
total wound surface area
Undermining: Location: 12 o'clock
Average Extent: 1.5 cm
Tunneling: Location:
Average Extent:
Exudate: Amount: Minimal (25% satur.)
Type: Serous-sanguinous pink
Odor: None
Tissue of Wound Base: Pink
Type of Surrounding Wound: Pale
Pain Scale:
Electronically Signed and Reviewed by
Joshua Clark, RN (RN90106) on 09/26/2018 03:06:43 PM PDT Joshua Clark, RN (RN90106) on 09/26/2018 03:07:03 PM PDT
09/19/2024 12:14 PM